It's been a while, but today I bring you a review for the debut novel of Cora Carmack's self published New Adult Paranormal Romance series. That novel being INSPIRE! The first in her Muse Series!
I am a HUGE Cora fan and I am always excited to see what she beings to the table in each of her new novels! As a fellow Carmcat I could not be happier to share with you this review today!
Without further review of INSPIRE by Cora Carmack!

Published: 12/15/2014
Genre: New Adult Paranormal Romance
Pages: 284
Source: Author
Format: eARC
Kalliope lives with one purpose.
To inspire.
As an immortal muse, she doesn't have any other choice. It's part of how she was made. Musicians, artists, actors - they use her to advance their art, and she uses them to survive. She movies from one artist to the next, never straying long enough to get attached. But all she wants is a different life - a normal one. She's spent thousands of years living lie after lie, and now she's ready for something real.
Sweet, sexy, and steady, Wilder Bell feels more real than anything else in her long existence. And more importantly....he's not an artist. He doesn't want her for her ability. But she can't turn off the way she influences people, not even to save a man she might love. Because in small doses, she can help make something beautiful, but her ability has just as much capacity to destroy as it does to create. The longer she stays, the more obsessed Wilder will become. It's happened before, and it never turns out well for the mortal.
Her presence may inspire genius.
But it breeds madness, too.
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Cora Carmack is a twenty- something writer who likes to write about twenty - something characters. She's she's done multitides of things in her life -- boring jobs ( like working retail), Fun jobs ( like working in a theatre), stressful jobs ( like teaching), and dream jobs ( like writing). She enjoys placing her characters in the most awkward situations possible, and then trying to help them get a boyfriend out of it. Awkward people need love, too. She's in the New York Times and USA Today's bestselling author of the Losing It series.
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My Thoughts
From previous reviews, you guys know that I am a sucker for a good Paranormal Romance. And a huge Cora Carmack fan! So putting the two together in was practically in heave! And in true Cora fashion there was no dissapointment over here.
The book follows the female MC Kalliope. She is a muse, and her job is to inspire artisits, musicians, etc. She has this energy inside of her that needs to be released, and is released through said inspiration when she is around her artist or musician. If she refuses to release it complete and utter chaos will ensue. Even though she has been around for centuries, and loves being a muse. She she has one weak moment. While indulging in the mortal act of shopping and emotional eating. Because she was feeling sad and lonely. Not being able to stay on one place or with one Artist or musician for very long.
Here enters the, very handsome and alluring Wilder Bell. From the moment that Kalli meets him, she feels something that she has never felt before. Bringing emotions and feelings that she had given up on a long time ago because she knew all possibilities of a future with anyone could never happen.
Of course he is tall, handsome, has tattoos, and a pair of the most beautiful blue eyes. He is also a reminder of what she can never have. She makes a promise to stay away from him, that he is just trouble. But fate just won't have it that way! They just keep getting thrown together. Until ultimately they both give into their feelings, because giving hurts less than staying away.
Although nothing could have predicted the chain reaction that them being together would cause. Kallie begins to start thinking of the future for the the first time ever, and Wilder is finally truly happy.
But like in true romance and paranormal fashion. All good things don't last for long before something gets in thr way. Now I know what your thinking..."what is it?" "What crazy things happen?" Well I would not be a very good blogger if I went and spoiled it for ya now! Am I right? Hahaha. Your just gonna have to go and get your copy to find out.
What I really loved about this book was the mythology. I am a HUGE fan of Greek mythology and Miss Carmack did an outstanding job at weaving all those little details into Kallie and Wilder 's story.
Cora also has this uncanny ability to write relatable characters. Even if they are a century + old goddess! Your still able to find, or should I say. I was still able to find a little bit of myself within Kallie.
And Wilder is ranked up there with Golden Boy Cade and ya'll know that he is my FAVORITE Cora book boyfriend. There is just something warm, welcoming, and intoxicating about him. Your just drawn to him through the words on each page. He's a true family man who would do anything for his family. He plays hard and loves hard!
There are plenty of those awkward moments that we all know and love. I found myself heartily laughing out loud! As well as those heart-wrenching moments that make you wanna cry. And believe me you shall want to cry. I promise you that, so just be prepared with a nice box of tissues. This book is an amazing emotional rollarcoaster and you won't want to miss a page of it.
The setting is fabulous, got to love a good college campus. As well as a starving artist.
This plot, although a little slow to start (sorry Cora ♡). Once your in, you won't want to put the book down. Cora did an excellent job at lacing the mythology into this modern day story. Developing all the relationships. As well as setting the story up perfectly for book 2 of the series. By the time you finish this story you will be screaming "WHAT! NOOO! It can't be over already! I must have book two!"
I give this book a 4.5 out of 5 stars!
Thank you so much for stopping by!
Happy Reading!
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