ok enough of that, lets get to the good stuff. My cruise to Alaska!!! :)
The day that we left we flew into Seattle, Washington. We had to get up at 5 am so that we could get to the airport by 6, since we had an 8am flight. Once we boarded our plane we landed in Seattle at about 12 or 1pm, since we had been gaining hours the whole time we were flying. Let me tell you, gaining hours totally messes with your head. Your body thinks that its 5pm when its only 2 and all you wanna do is just sleep...lol. After Landing in Seattle we checked into the hotel and everyone was already planning to go downtown, see the Space Needle and walk around. We all grabbed some pizza at around 4 and then headed downtown. The Space Needle was so amazing. The view from the top was spectacular. You could see everything, although my mom and I had a little trouble while we were up there. We constantly felt like we were moving. Not a very pretty feeling. While we were up there though we got to see Mount Reineer. Its so big that you can't ever see the whole thing. The top just looks like its floating.
(pictures below are the cruise ship "Rhapsody of the Sea", Space Needle, Mount Reineer, lastly then lastly the Starbucks Headquarters.)
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We all took pictures then went back to the hotel for the night to get ready for our cruise the next day. We were all super excited. The next morning went pretty quickly. Once we got up and out of the hotel everything was kind of a blur till we got on the ship. The ship was absolutely gorgeous. As soon as it was spotted everyone was oooing and aaaaaing, along with snapping pictures. The inside was even better. Im actually sad that I didnt take many pictures inside the ship. For the rest of that night and next day we spent at sea. It was a little rough at first, but our bodies all adjusted pretty well. One we got on the ship everyone was pretty much trying to get their bearings and figure out where everything was, it was a pretty big ship...lol. I only wish that I had taken more pictures of the inside of the ship.
Those were just the first two days. The first day we had on the ship was spent at sea. It was a little weird waking up in a pitch black room. Since we had an inside state room there were no windows and I just wanna say that they are very important. When there is no light shining in the room your body still thinks that it s night. So my body the whole day was kind of in a daze. That was not fun. But we walked around and participated in a scavenger hunt around the ship. That was fun. It was a pretty relaxing day. We just sat around read, took naps, ate food, and watched the sea. It was glorious, there is nothing better than just being able to take your me and not have to worry about rushing around when your on vacation.
(Me with Sizzle the snake, our towel animal that we used on the scavenger hunt, then the view from the ship, and lastly the moon from the deck of the ship.)
So Sorry that has taken me so long to write about this trip. I feel horrible about my lack of updates. Promise there will be another one very soon with pictures and details of part 2 of my trip. :)
xo Kait
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