Saturday, October 3, 2009

Clinical Day 1

Hey guys
This past Thursday the 1st of October, was my first clinical day at Holy Rediemer Hospital. We had to be there at 8 but usually clinical would start at 7.

Anyway, the girl I was driving with was really nice and lives on Which is good because as of right now I am without a car. That is a whole other blog. We got the hospital at about 10 to 8.

The hospital is so nice and clean. There are only single rooms. Which is a nice feature to have.

My clinical instructors name is Danielle Kohler. She graduated from Gwynedd 5 years ago. She is soo nice. My whole group thinks that she is Most clinical instuctors we all heard were really mean, strict, and scary. Danielle or should I say Miss Kohler made us all feel that if we made a mistake or need help that we could, without being afraid of getting yelled at.She made us all feel very comfotable.

We filled out a ton of information once we got there. Gwynedd had a whole packet of info that we had to go through before we could do anything. Than once we were done that we went on a tour of the floor that we were going to be working on. I'm really excited but nervous at the same time. Next week we actually get real patients and I don't want to mess anything up. I don't know if I could live with myself if I critically hurt someone.

Once we were done the tour the day was over and it was time to leave.It was quite surprising with how fast the day went considering that we were just going through papers through most of the time at the hospital.

Wish me luck for next week and keep your fingers


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