Thursday, March 26, 2009

Music of my mind..

Ok so everyone has been posting their top ten favorites of things, so I thought that I would join the Sorry that I haven't really written a blog in a while, life has totally gotten in the way. So before I get to posting my top 10 favorite movies, I thought that I would give a little summary about my past 3 days. Also the title of my post is an album title of Stevie Wonders.

Went really fast, I had a meeting with my adviser and she basically told me that I needed to choose a major. If I didn't I would have to enroll as a part time part time student, because I am running out of General Education courses to take. I have been trying to get into the nursing program for the last year and it has been going no where. Sometimes I feel like, why should I even bother trying. Eventually I tell myself to shut up and just keep working towards my goal. Monday was that type of day. Although when OTH came on my day got much better! It was a GREAT episode.

Things got better, I found out that my 8:30 class was canceled for Thursday! WOO HOO man!! That was the best news that I had received all day! The rest of the day I had to work on a power point for my presentation I had on Wednesday. That was a pain in the butt, but I got it done. My roommate and I also met this really nice guy named Mike. It turns out that he is in my history class.

I had my presentation, I had to talk for 10 minutes. It was so nerve racking. I was talking to myself the whole time walking to class, trying to calm me down. Talking in front of people is like my worst fear.
Then I had choir, and Mike drove me up to the dorm! I know its not anything big, but I thought that it was sweet. Then I just hung out with my suitmate last night. We watched almost all of Season 3 of OTH. I forgot how good it was. :)

Then today I slept a lot. I decided to not go to class today. I know that I should have, but when I got up I was not feeling school. It was a very lazy day today. We watched more of season 3 and we are going to Applebee's fairly soon. We are just waiting for our friend Larry. It should be fun, we are going to enter a trivia contest.

I know I said that I would add my top 10 favorite movies in this post, but I am going to have my next post just them. Hope you all have a good day! :)

Much Love

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