It has come to the end of my trip to Boston :(. I kind of wish that I was there still, because a few days ago we had a picture party for the choir. People had brought doubles of there pictures that they had taken and showed them to everyone, and my fear has come true. I earlier told you about how one of t
ok now onto Boston...Day 4
The last two days of the trip were very hectic. That Saturday morning we all actually got to sleep in a little bit but as soon as we got up we had to head to this place called Quincy Market. That was actually where the Cheers bar is, we at there that past Friday! It really is the cutest place. There are so many places to eat walk around, along with lost of street vendors. We a
Day 5
Now this day as fast paced as it was had to have been my favorite! On the last day of this trip we got to sing in the Old North Church, you know where the old "One by Land, Two by Sea" came from. This church is absolutely BeAutiful! Since it was a part of the freedom trail while we were waiting for the Sunday service to start we got to hear some backround information on the church. Its not like any church that I have seen, there aren't any pews like in a regular church but boxes with high walls and seats. Back in the olden days the preacher would stand high above the crowd and in order to sit in the ch
Then after the service we left and went to Newberry St, its supposed to be the 5th Ave of Boston. I thought that it was pretty neat, there were a ton and I mean a ton of shops. A lot of them were well known designers. Since the service at the church ran long, we didn't have a lot of time to explore. The only thing that was able to be done was get lunch, eat it, and then head back to the bus. I was pretty bummed about that but what can you do right? I'll go back there again on day.
I was pretty sad to have the trip end so soon. It felt that we had just gotten to Boston and here we were leaving. I am so thankful that I went on this trip. Especially now that we all know Dave is leaving. When he told us my heart almost broke. Don't get me wrong I am happy for him, but I feel that I am finally getting to know everyone and now here is goes leaving us. Life just isn't fair sometimes but I just have to remember its not like he's dieing. He's just moving on to bigger and better things. That its not the end its the beginning. :)
I hope that you enjoyed reading about my trip...I hope I didn't bore you to much :)
Much Love,
p.s. The rest of my pictures will be up on flickr. :)
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